Ensure Safety with the Caution Very Hot Water Sign
EAN: 5060442646797
Complying with ISO standards, the Caution Very Hot Water Sign is a vital indicator of proximity to extremely hot water.
Featuring the universally recognizable caution symbol—an eye-catching black exclamation mark enclosed within a yellow triangle—this warning sign signifies potential danger and risk of injury. With clear black writing on a yellow background, the sign boldly states "caution very hot water" within a rectangular box.
It's crucial to distinguish between the use of "caution" and "danger." While "danger" is reserved for high-risk situations, "caution" serves as a step down in the level of risk.
Our caution hot water signs are available in two options: easy-to-apply sticky back vinyl or sturdy and waterproof 1mm thick PVC. Ranging in sizes from A3 to A5, our stocked options can meet most requirements. However, as these signs are manufactured in-house, we have the capability to create a very hot water sign in any size you need.